Category Archives: Generation Y

How to make a workplace appealing to Gen Y

For the millenials, work has to be more than just a job. A few years ago, it was normal to enter well known and prestige companies in the consulting & banking sector and having to work in a small grey … Weiterlesen

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3 things to make sure when criticizing a co-worker!

Due to the media, a day at the office is getting more and more stressful. One doesn’t need to excessively use search engines, to read articles about technology doing it’s very best to increase our availability to colleagues, enables us … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Generation Y | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

High potentials – part of generation Y?

When one talks about high potentials, we have this very well settled stereotype in our heads. A well dressed man (or woman, to stay politically correct), wearing a suit & tie, leather shoes and cufflinks. He has a family but … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Generation Y | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

Interesting statistics about generation Y

    Generation Y – for some of us it is the word of the year! While there is hundreds of articles released every day, showing up statistics and talking about attitudes of this generation, it is interesting to see, … Weiterlesen

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